Friday, October 17, 2008


There were a lot of five-year-old boys at my house today.

Here's what I found when I was cleaning up:

A small tattooed man with a big sword in a police car.

I'm not sure what to think:
  • Thank goodness he's not the driver?

  • I'm taking 911 off speed dial?

  • Where is the driver, anyhow? Has anyone checked the trunk?

  • Is this some sort of sign? Threat of mutiny?


Meredith said...

"Where is the driver, anyhow? Has anyone checked the trunk?"
We've watched too much Law and Order in our lives. Just needed to point that out.

TwoSquareMeals said...

I especially like the sword, myself. It's a nice anachronistic touch.

Rebecca said...

Reminds me of the time I found our Playmobil nativity set arranged neatly around the baby Jesus. Circled up, they were, in a tight little knot around the Christ-child: Mary, Joseph, a shepherd, some sheep, the wise men, and a Volkswagon Beetle with the hood up. A small Volkswagon, it was, but it was part of the ring of adoration.