Monday, October 20, 2008


I got locked out of the house today. While Eliana was reaching the end of her naptime. While Ben was giving a voice lesson at someone’s house and thus unreachable. While 6 ½ months pregnant and already ridiculously emotional. While all the neighbors I have met so far were not home. While dressed in the always flattering pregnancy drawstring pants, hoodie, and fleece vest.
So, being a mother and therefore having no choice but to humiliate myself in front of a stranger in order to save my child from undue stress, I knocked on an unfamiliar door and met a retired fellow named Gerald. He somehow understood my plight through a flood of tears and offered to drive me to the nearby neighborhood where Ben was teaching. Once there, he chauffeured me around until I spotted Ben’s car and retrieved the key. I unlocked the door and found Eliana…still asleep.
Thank the Lord for small miracles.


Daniele said...

Oh, girl. I am so sorry. How's your heart feeling after that heart attack?

Rebecca said...

Wow. I'm so sorry. Sounds like a Bad Time.

I'm so thankful for Gerald.

Rebecca said...
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