Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Hypothetical

What would it say about a person--I mean, if it happened to a friend, for example--if her laundry pile were so high that every time she noticed it out of the corner of her eye, she thought there was a person standing in her bathroom corner? Hypothetically, of course. I mean, really, if it happened to a friend...or something.


Unknown said...

I'd say your friend might need a good brain'washing'. Just hypothetically responding, of course.

Rebecca said...

If you leave it there long enough, maybe it will start talking to you....

TwoSquareMeals said...

Maybe there IS a person hiding under there. Have you (I mean, has your friend) checked? I think it says you need to bring a load or two over to a friend who likes to do laundry, no other housework, but laundry.

Kelly said...

I'm thinking you ought to introduce your laundry person to my laundry person and maybe they can run off together to Mexico like my nanny and housekeeper did. Granted, we might all be a little cold this winter...

Krista Lucas said...

have you been sneaking into my house??