Friday, June 27, 2008

Love is in the Air

Both of my kids love balloons, but my son has always taken a special delight in them. His first word was "boon." A couple of weeks ago, my daughter and I went to Trader Joe's without him, and we came home with one balloon; to say he was disappointed that day is a gross understatement. He had been betrayed. So today, when Daddy and daughter hit Trader Joe's again, they picked up two-- and the kids arrived home, delighted to show me her bright red balloon and his bright green one.

But then, as they exited the car, Daddy, who was juggling groceries, diaper bags, flowers (for our anniversary!), and kids, loosened his grip on the red one...and up it went, quickly aloft in the bright summer blue sky. We all stared, disbelieving, for a moment, and then her face crumpled and she began to sob. Oh, the face of a two year old who has lost her balloon.
Meanwhile, the green balloon bobbed merrily, safely tied around the wrist of big brother. He, though, looked uncomfortably at his balloon, at his sobbing little sister, and then back at his balloon. Then I noticed his hands, working to loosen the string around his wrist. Another wiggle, and a lovely green balloon lifted up into the sky.


Unknown said...

That's super sweet. I wonder if he was sacrificially sharing in his sister's sorrow, or if he thought it was super cool to see a balloon float into the air! I'll vote for the first!

Unknown said...

Hey Kelly,

Saw Alex's link over here and thought I'd come check it out. :o) Your kids are darling-- thanks for sharing this story! I hope all of you are doing well this summer.


Unknown said...

(previously of UNC-IV ;o)