Thursday, June 12, 2008

All done with all done.

At this point in my mommy life, if I could remove one phrase from the English language it would be "All done."

"All done lunch." Before we even sit down to eat.
"All done banana." If I even think about offering one.
"All done green beans." If he sees the can in the pantry.
"All done cago (chicken)." If I mention that chicken is for dinner.
"All done go upstairs." If I walk toward them.

I'm fairly certain that my toddler believes he could subsist on pasta and fruit snacks alone. But it's not that he won't eat other things that drives me crazy - it's the declaration of "all done" before I even have a chance to put a little of something new on his plate. I keep hearing of kids who love broccoli and abhor french fries. Who are these children? If anyone is ever unsure of what my child says, it is probably "all done" followed by whatever I just suggested. However, if my suggestion involves the museum or the park, we are all done with all done.

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