Monday, May 4, 2009

An Answer for Everything

I don't know what made me ask. Maybe I suspected a whine was coming and wanted to stave it off. Or maybe it was because his feet were quite right in my face (because, when you climb into bed with someone, isn't that where you put your feet, too?). Or maybe it was tickling each of those toes that made me wonder. Anyhow, I asked.

"Luke, which is your favorite toe?"

Who knew this was such a good question to ask? Only a five-(and-a-half, MOM!)-year-old would have such a complete answer to such a ridiculous question.

(I know you're dying to know the answer, too.)

The big one, of course. Because it's so strong and could lift a thousand pounds. Because with his hands he can only lift five hundred pounds, but his big toe can lift a thousand! And the little toe can't do anything anyhow, can't even bow down like these other ones can (at which point he checked to see if my little toes could "bow down"). And it's as big as these two fingers, as long as this one and as wide as these two together. Which is really pretty big and impressive.

(I love all of them. Because I knew you wanted to know.)


Meredith said...

Okay, so that settles it. He is going to be a writer.

Susie said...

Is he esp crafty with his toes like his father?

Rebecca said...

Well, of course! When you put it that way.