Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday Blues

So, I think today is going to be a bad day. Maybe it is just that my husband is out of town for the week. Perhaps it is because I woke up at 5:20 and couldn't go back to sleep and then everyone else woke up early. Perhaps it is because I woke up already tired of hearing the word "mommy"
and I had not even heard it once yet - now a few hours later I have heard it hundreds of times. Maybe it is just hump day. Maybe it is because Wednesday is Laundry Day in the Blackston house. Perhaps it is because my son shattered a bowl of oatmeal all over the pretty clean floor at breakfast time, or that my baby was crawling through the mess while I tried to clean it up. Maybe it is because my hair hasn't been washed in three days and who knows when I will get a shower. What ever it is, I woke this morning feeling the attack of a bad day coming on. Please Lord Jesus, change my heart. Change my patience level and let me enjoy and smile at the day, and my children. And Lord, in the times that I fail today, in the moments when mean things come out of my mouth and I want to yell or shout, please close my children's ears to me; or worse, when I want to grab someone in a less than loving grasp, make my children be in another room and Lord, give me a time out.

Moms, pray for me today.


Krista Lucas said...

"when I want to grab someone in a less than loving grasp, make my children be in another room" - that touched my heart. we've all been there. praying for you today!

Susie said...

I'm sorry I didn't see this until today (Friday). How did the day end up going?

Rebecca said...

I hope your Wednesday finished better than it started. Every momma has been where you were that day. You're not alone. :)