Monday, August 24, 2009

It was inevitable, really. The picture appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning must be postponed. The annual summer shot of my one, or two, or three suntanned/ghost white kids with blond highlights/red hair will be delayed until next week, or the next, until their tans fade and the highlights disappear and we might as well wait for the Christmas picture.

Why is it that scheduling a picture automatically results in some sort of major catastrophe marked by obvious injury to the face?

At least I can appreciate the sad humor in this latest episode. This particular picture eve, my 5 1/2 year old was playing "camel," a favorite game at our house whereby one drapes a large, heavy blanket over oneself and is led about the house by a sibling. You know, like a camel. Unfortunately, this particular camel set out on a jaunt without his guide. Shockingly, within moments, he tripped and fell, chin first, into a low bookcase. Camel down. Many tears and some blood. Large bruise on chin. Picture cancelled. Maybe next week.

1 comment:

Daniele said...

Oh, but you forgot the snotty nose and chin rash on the other two! Really, it was doomed from the start.