Monday, August 31, 2009

Future car thief?

I'm not one of those moms who spends time daydreaming about what her child will be when he grows up. (Most days, I'm just looking forward to him growing up!) And since we've graduated from the "I'm going to be a fireman-dump truck driver-garbage collector-excavator operator" phase, I rarely have conversations with Luke about what he expects he'll become someday. But after our trip to the grocery store this afternoon, I have to wonder.

As I unloaded the bags into the back of the van, he climbed in the side door, ostensibly to buckle up and get ready to roll. But he was taking his time, looking, I thought, into the car next to ours. After making sure there wasn't someone (doing something interesting, perhaps) in there, I went on with my unloading, content that something (even if it was snooping) other than conversation with me was entertaining him. But as I climbed in on my side of the car, Luke called me over.

"Mama," he said. "It's not very safe to have a car with a keypad like that." This particular car had a set of numbered buttons (1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10) on the driver's side door. "Anyone, even a kid like me, could figure out how to unlock it. 1/2, 7/8, 9/10."

"What makes you think that's the code?" I asked, chuckling a little that he could never understand how many possible combinations of numbers could open that door.

"Well, the 1/2, 7/8, and 9/10 buttons are all worn out, but the others are brand new."

Oh dear.


Rebecca said...

Brilliant. He is.

Krista Lucas said...

you should watch out for that. especially if you find random cars parked in your driveway. ;)

Patricia Berman said...

Did you know the name Luke is one of the top ten criminal names? "Oh dear" again!