My midwife told us that Evan's weight (a healthy 6 pounds, 9 oz) was probably a comfortable one for my body and that it would be likely that our future babies would be born around the same weight and likely early. This seemed logical to us, and so we mentally revised the due date to July 21st.
We have, for the last several months, worked some very, very long days, nights and weekends on home improvement projects that had to be completed 'Before the Baby Comes.' When we finished those projects, I spent weeks scouring the construction dust out of the house, frantically reassembling baby equipment and washing miniature clothes.
On the 20th of July, my husband and I looked at each other and realized we were finished. And ready. I packed my bag and double checked my calendar, to be sure that it was clear.
Now, two days later, we're still waiting. And, I am sheepishly realizing that there is a very good chance that this little one may not appear for another three weeks. Maybe it's time to start putting some things on the calendar again.
I feel your pain, girl. My Number Two was late and Number One was early. It felt like the fates were mocking me every day that passed :)
I'm hung up on the "comfortable" sized baby for one's body. I had two 8-pounders (8'4" and 8'11"), neither of which were terribly comfortable for my body.... This idea of the baby's being a "comfortable" weight for the momma is intriguing. Do you have to sign up for that in advance?
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