Sunday, March 8, 2009

And the lesson is?

Luke and friends are working on a two-sided art project in the Sunday school class I'm teaching, one side depicting Jesus and the disciples in a boat in a storm, and the other side depicting the boat after Jesus had calmed the storm.

Friend: My picture is beautifuller than yours.
Luke: It's not about whose picture is more beautiful (sassy know-it-all grammar correction emphasized, of course); it's about...

And here I'm waiting breathlessly for him to insert a profound lesson he's learned about Jesus as king over creation, about the disciples' lack of faith, something really good (pat pat myself on the back, good Sunday school teacher, good mom)...

Luke:'s about getting the pictures on the right sides.

Sigh. There, as a friend likes to say, goes Mother-of-the-Year 2009. Not to mention Sunday-School-Teacher-of-the-Year. Maybe next year...


Meredith said...

Hey now, you have a five year old who knows his comparative adjective form; that certainly deserves an award!

Daniele said...

Nah, it's genetics or osmosis or something.

TwoSquareMeals said...

At least he is doing the craft and not just making up his own bizarre drawings based on a computer game he plays with his daddy. That's what mine does in Sunday school class!