Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stillness...and Other Heart Problems

4am. Hysterical, sobbing cries for Mama, Dada from Luke's room. I leap from the bed (Dad doesn't stir, grrr), and as I run into the hall, flipping on lights and dashing into his room, I imagine what I'll find. He has fallen out of his loft. Or he has thrown up in bed (which has happened too many times this winter for me not to imagine it). Or he has had a terrible nightmare.

I fling open the door, and he's still up in his loft. Check that one off (whew--no broken bones!) and move on to checking the bed for vomit.

Me: Honey, what's wrong? (relief, no vomit)

Luke: (absolutely beside himself) Where were you?

Me: I was asleep, love. What's wrong? (nightmare?)

Luke: (almost shouting at me) But WHY didn't you come?

Me: I'm sorry; I didn't hear you. What's wrong?

Luke: Were you in your room?!? (still sobbing and now definitely shouting at me)

Me: Yes, of course I was in my room. What's WRONG? (trying not to shout back, ahem)

Luke: Is Dad in there? (whimper, whimper)

Me: Yes, he's asleep. (yes, he's asleep--asleep!-- sleeping through this 4am third degree...and I still don't know what's wrong, for crying out loud). What's wrong?

Luke: (suddenly totally calm) Oh, I can't find Cardinal.

His stuffed animal. This is the drama?!? Cardinal?!? I get ready to launch into It's-4am-and-you-could-have-turned-on-the-light-or-come-to-get-me...but it's his Cardinal.

Eliza's Cardinal, to be exact. Who is right under the covers, as usual when she (yes, Cardinal, despite clearly being a red male cardinal, is a she) is lost. Be still my racing heart.

And my sweet boy, too; be still. "Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10).

Cardinal in hand, he drifts happily off to sleep before I can even close the door. Trust restored.

(As for me, well, so much for still. Not so for Dad, who is still asleep. I may as well start the day.)


Rebecca said...

Yeah. How is it THEY can sleep through things like this? How do they do it?

TwoSquareMeals said...

Love you, friend. And praying for you all three as you continue to walk through these days.

Meredith said...

My heart just broke. Thank goodness for those cardinals looking out for us, especially for Luke.

Krista Lucas said...

I've had a similar experience with a Very Special Turtle, but I have to admit that the husband woke up first and went to determine the source of the tears.