Monday, November 24, 2008

Honest to Goodness

The piece our ensemble sang in church this past Sunday had one part that I just couldn't quite get right. So I borrowed Luke's toy keyboard and banged it out as best I could over the course of the week. He listened and joined in with me as I practiced each day (and, incidentally, proved he's a much better soprano than I am).

Then Sunday came. We sang our piece and headed back to our seats, greeted by smiles and head-nods and whispered "good job"s. But Luke's enthusiastic reaction beat them all.

"Mom!" he exclaimed--thinking nothing of the hushed church-voices of everyone surrounding him--as he wrapped himself around my knees. "You finally got it right! I'm so proud of you!"

Finally, indeed.


Krista Lucas said...

my goodness your son is cute. i miss you guys.

TwoSquareMeals said...

For what it's worth, I couldn't hear him. But if I could have, I would have laughed out loud at the cuteness! I like kids who say such unexpected things in church.