Monday, September 1, 2008

The Blessing of small hands with three kids is always interesting. My newest little fellow is only 8 weeks old and has thrown quite a "kink" into my pretty smooth life. I had really gotten into a grove with my 3 and 4 year old and then the baby came along. Once again thrown into sleepless nights, endless diapers, pacing the floor bouncing for all I am worth at 3 in the morning, terrified he is going to wake the other two. The sweet smiles and baby sounds make up for most of the "what have I done to my life adding a third" questions most of the time. But there are those other times ya know...

My 3 year old little girl never has those "other" times. Of course she isn't up all night or changing the diapers but she does listen to her share of screaming and she does get "in a second sweetie, Mommy is nursing the baby" often enough to raise some jealousy. But, no, never. My sweet little girl is always full of love for her little brother. A couple of my favorite examples are:

1. The times that I have sat my baby in his crib nursed, changed, burped, bounced and walked all I can bounce and walk and he is still screaming, and she will stand by his crib while he screams touching his head and saying in her most calming voice, "It is OK little buddy. I am here. I am sorry I don't know what to do for you. Are you tired? Are you hungry? It's OK, don't cry."

2. My very favorite was last week when I dropped her off for her first day of preschool and she told me as she got out of the car, "Be sure to get baby a good nap this morning. He will be getting tired soon." Yes little mother.

I often feel very convicted of my impatience with my smallest child as I watch my daughter love him with no expectations of his returning her affection. She seems to understand that he is little and is just trying to get used to this life much better than I do. I am so thankful for her. She is teaching me how to be a better mother. God uses the least of us.

1 comment:

Daniele said...

No doubt a return favor for all the time you spent quieting HER at a certain less-calm-and-happy time of her life...:)