Friday, January 23, 2009

My patented* lose your baby weight diet

1. Live in a two-story townhome with no downstairs bathroom.
2. Work on potty training your toddler, which will inevitably lead to at least 14 trips up and down the stairs each day, usually in emergency situations where you have to heft the child and run up the stairs (this is good for your glutes and quadriceps).
3. Have a four month old who is going through the "I'm tired of playing on the floor, pick me up and play with me!" phase. (This works the shoulders and arms)
4. Forget to eat breakfast and lunch, and when you remember, eat a bowl of cereal while standing up and holding the baby. Remember to make dinner only because your husband comes home and distracts the children so you can cook. Possibly eat dinner, depending on the moods of said toddler and baby.
5. Sleep? Who needs it. Spend your nights rocking, pacing, feeding, etc.

The weight should be gone in no time!
*not actually patented, but perhaps this will make me rich! :)


Daniele said...

No downstairs bathroom? Uh, who designed that?

Krista Lucas said...

clearly no one with a potty training toddler. or with a pregnant lady anywhere in the vicinity either.