Thursday, July 16, 2009

To infinity....

My three-year-old son is absolutely obsessed with numbers. To be fair, my husband is a math PhD, but never really pushed the number learning (I guess he didn't want to hear "Well, you are a math professor..." all the time). Our child, once we taught him to count to twenty when he was 2 1/2, quickly learned the pattern that commenced. And has not stopped. He now regularly writes numbers like 5607, 25603, and knows that one million is a one followed by six zeroes. It's adorable. (And makes me worry about him acting out of boredom in kindergarten. Counting to ten, bah, I've done that for years!)

The other day we asked him if there was a biggest number. He said "A trillion." My husband said, "But what about one trillion and one?" Benjamin thought that over. I asked the same question yesterday, and he replied, "No." I asked why not, and he said, "Because they keep going on and on and on {pause} forever."

His dad is so proud. (And so is his mom, really.)

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