Thursday, December 3, 2009

They Left the House at Half Past Nine, At Half Past Nine in Rain or Shine. The Smallest One was...Jesus?

Longest post title ever, I know.

Tonight Eliana sat down to "read" me the story of Jesus' birth. She was doing quite well, remembering phrases such as "Mary, you will bring forth a son," and other such non-toddler-ish verbage. And then she got to the part when Joseph takes his family to Egypt to escape Herod: "God told Joseph in a dream to take Mary and the baby to Paris."

Apparently Mary needed to be up on the latest fashion (she was a teenager, after all)and Jesus, well he liked good croissants as much as the next guy.

Joyeux Noel.


Daniele said...

She needs to be in Luke's class: they're studying Christmas in France all next week!

Tintez cloches!

Rebecca said...

I'm so glad that Jesus likes croissants, too. Because I really like croissants. Really, really, really.